Frases Tristes de Amor

by Nice-Apps



Do you want to express your sad emotions with heartbreak phrases right now and you cant find the words or images of loneliness and sadness?Sad Phrases of Love is an application that we have created with the aim of helping you express everything you feel inside, whether it is pain, sadness, nostalgia or disappointment for a love that left and you find yourself in that loneliness that invades your being and does not let you express your thoughts in a clear way.Many times we do not know how to react or find the exact words to say how we feel whether you are a man or a woman, sad phrases to cry, phrases of heartbreak or disappointment, that invade us and we only seek consolation and a way to vent, but a sad image says a lot and what better accompanied by the phrases of loneliness that will reach the heart!The application is created with authentic sad phrases of love full of feeling, nostalgia and deep sadness, which are the feelings that overwhelm us when we have lost a love, that couple that we want to return or we remember with nostalgia.Feeling a consolation is what is most needed when suffering from heartbreak or disappointment, images of sadness and phrases of heartbreak will help you feel liberated, since you will surely find the sad photo that best suits your feeling.The pain that one feels for that love that left is indescribable, but the best of all is that you can express your sad thoughts and what better way than with sad phrases of love that will also help you unburden yourself, you will be able to reflect and see things from another point of view to get ahead.Periodically the application will be updated with new and original phrases and images of sadness and pain that will help you to say what you feel through social networks.Download these Images of Sadness and Loneliness from TODAY and Express your Feelings!